This menu contains horizontal red underline and displays triangle upon mouse over, both elements are unchangeable but made with pure CSS code. All other levels and sub menus are can be changed and restyled by need. This menu shows an beautify clean and easy to navigate design. An combination of those three colors red, black and white gives it outstanding appearance.
We working hard on this "Menu Layout Generator" and offering it absolutely free of charge, due to lack of time and constant updates ho help current available on one hand but in other we created a few videos that can be found on our youtube channel. The menus from our generator are can be used any where you need because they are pure CSS layout, the HTML is simple and principle for an jump start. If you run an CMS on your web server you can easy re modify them, if your site runs a clean HTML than you can start use them right away. For quick help when you working place a mouse pointer over item in ribbon and you get fast bubbles for each object.
In our site you can build not only "horizontal menus" but in addition "vertical menus" to. All menus are can be decorated up to three sub menu level deep, but if you need you can decorate only the first one and use it as one level menu on your website. Remember all menus are as is and using What You See Is What You Get because our generator is running on line.
As know an classical way to create any menu for the website is using unordered lists and list item elements, although it may not validated under W3C if such containing an DIV tag elements inside. Nevertheless this is totally supported and compatible not just by an old browser but modern to, and should reflect the same with no exception.
The reason why this CSS code generator considered as an menu generator and not just an a Creator because you is the person that stands behind the scenes. We give you the ability of using your imagination to style and decorate the menu appearance but the code behind it is up to us. As just as simple YOU Create and WE generate.
Although this horizontal menu is eye catching you can restyle it even more using HTML5 CSS3 editor online.Note that in this menu the bottom red line and triangle are not changeable although they are created with pure CSS elements.